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Summa, Summa, Summa Time!

We are about two weeks into summer and we're already having all sorts of fun (think: popsicles, pool time, water table fun on the back deck, dirty dishes--lots and lots of dirty dishes--and, of course, a decent amount of small-child-themed WWE fighting over baby dolls and pieces of trash).

Yes, I'm serious. I have recently, more than once, had to break up a fight over a piece of trash.

This morning, both girls insisted on being "the one" to turn on the button to the coffee pot. By the end of this two-minute round of what I will call, "Battle of the Babes," the coffee pot had turned on (and off) probably about eight times. All I have to say is, the coffee pot BETTER turn on tomorrow morning.

Here are the top phrases I have heard from my children so far this summer:

1. Annabelle: "She's soooo bossy!" (Annabelle whispered this about me, to Emmie, when I was in the other room, thinking I wouldn't hear).

Me: "Are you talking about me? I heard that!"

2. Annabelle: "Mommy, you have a hexagon on your face!"

Me: "Huh?"

Annabelle: "On your chin! You have a hexagon on your chin!"

Me: Perplexed. Did one of my children draw a shape on my face without me realizing it? (Crazier things have happened)

I get up and look in the mirror to study my face and...I see what she means. Someway, somehow, there are some lines on my chin that make the shape of some sort of figure (A hexagon? A trapezoid?) mapped out on my chin.

Thank you, Annabelle's preschool teacher, for educating her on shapes, and thank you, the beautiful process of aging, for mapping out some beautiful, natural shapes on my face that my four-year-old can proudly identify.

3. Annabelle, on the stairs, when she is almost to the bottom step:

"Oh, man! I need to make a u-turn! I forgot something upstairs!"

4. Annabelle: "Mommy, I love you so much. I'm going to love you forever. Even when you are an old lady in a wheel chair!" (hugs me tightly)

5. Annabelle: "Mommy, are you losing your mind?"

Me: "Huh? No! What do you mean? Why would you say that?"

Annabelle: "Because you have that look on your face!"

6. OK, I have left Emmie out which is unfair, because in the last couple of months, she has been talking up a storm. A few of her favorite newer words are, in no particular order:

deer, fox, butta (bunny), water, pop (popsicle), Emmie (she loves to point at herself and say her own name), and, perhaps my all-time favorite, which is an actual phrase:

"I don't know!" (Sounds a little more like "I dunno!"). The best part is that she lifts up both of her hands as she says this. (Annabelle did the same thing at this age).

Example Situation:

Me: "Emmie, who did this? Who threw their toast on the floor?" (or colored on the couch, or threw the baby doll in a pot of water, etc.). Emmie is going to answer this question in one of two ways:

Answer A: Emmie points at herself and says, "Emmie!" OR

Answer B: Emmie lifts up her hands and says, "I dunno!"

When we all know, it was Emmie.

Summer is fun. Summer is no alarms in the morning, time outside playing in water, time coloring (on paper and on ourselves), and hiding under the blankets during thunderstorms.

Just don't ask me (like Annabelle did), if I'm losing my mind.

Because, to quote Emmie: "I dunno!"

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